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Context Context Type Definition Excavator Verified by Options
CH01PA_105 Positive Crollo interno navata
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_106 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_107 Positive Crollo nell'angolo NW
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_108 Positive Strato di terreno ricco di ceramica
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_110 Positive Piano Calpestio a N della Chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_112 Positive Strato di Riempimento del Silos USCHPA111
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_113 Positive Strato di crollo
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_115 Positive Strato di crollo al'interno del vano
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_12 Positive Crollo con Orientamento E\W
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_125 Positive Crollo ad E del Muro USCHPA32
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_128 Positive Strato ricco di ceramica (Anfore e pithoi)
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_136 Positive Macchia di bruciato addossata all'USCHPA35
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_138 Positive Crollo di Tegole nell'angolo N\E del Vano 21
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_139 Positive Strato di terreno compatto nell'angolo S\W del vano
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_15 Positive Crollo di pietre interno al Vano 21
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_164 Positive Fill of tomb 1
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_17 Positive Crollo di pietre all'interno del Vano 22
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_18 Positive Strato di terreno all'interno del Vano 22
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_20 Positive Crollo di pietre interno al Vano 23
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_30 Wall Muro con andamento S\W - N\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_41 Positive Strato di Crollo
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_48 Positive Strato di Crollo nell'area N della chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_52 Positive Crollo di Tegole e pietre nel vano 23
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_54 Positive Livello di uso del piano pavimentale USCHPA71
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_55 Positive Crollo interno Chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_59 Positive Piano di Frequentazione
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_63 Positive I Crollo nel Vano
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_64 Positive Crollo di pietre all'interno del Vano 23
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_66 Positive Crollo di Tegole
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_67 Positive Strato di crollo in laterizi
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_69 Positive Crollo di pietre all'interno del Vano 27
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_71 Positive Pavimento
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_72 Positive Crollo dietro abside chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_78 Positive Strato di Crollo
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_79 Positive Strato di terreno polveroso
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_81 Positive Riempimento Buca USCHPA80
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_84 Positive Crollo di materiali lapidei dai muri USCHPA31 e USCHPA32
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_86 Positive Piano stradale
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_87 Positive Strato di Terreno polveroso
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_89 Positive Riempimento della buca USCHPA88 in prossimita' della soglia
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_90 Positive Strato di Crollo sul pavimento USCHPA157
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_91 Positive Grosso accumulo di malta e blocchi
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_92 Positive Crollo di Materiali lapidei e laterizi
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_176 Positive Layer of collapse in the SW part of the N trench
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_177 Positive Collapse of wall PA 77
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_178 Positive First layer of collapse in room 30
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_180 Positive Collapse in the room cfr. USCHPA115
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_181 Positive Layer of collapse in room 26
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_185 Positive Collapse in courtyard over final use surface
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_190 Positive Collapse of tiles in room 26
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_202 Positive Layer of collapse of wall 201
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_206 Positive Fill of cut 205 in courtyard
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_216 Positive Layer of collapse in room 30
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_222 Positive Layer of collapse
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_223 Positive Cleaning of the collapse USCHPA232
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_230 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_231 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_234 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_245 Positive Layer of sandy soil, rich of fish scales
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_246 Positive Layer of soil - base of use in room 27
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_247 Positive Collapse of stones
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_248 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_255 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_276 Positive Layer of organic soil
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_278 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_282 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_287 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_307 Positive
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_327 Negative Cut for USCHPA261
  • Not Recorded
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CH04SR_336 Positive Uppermost layer of collapse in room 28
  • ATR
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CH04SR_337 Positive collapse in room 33
  • ATR
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CH04SR_338 Positive collapse in room 32
  • ATR
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CH04SR_339 Positive collapse in room 29
  • ATR
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CH04SR_340 Positive Compacted gray green ashy layer covering most of room 28 sloping sw-ne
  • ATR
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CH04SR_341 Positive tile and ash layer under collapse in room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_342 Positive fill of pit in room 29
  • ATR
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CH04SR_344 Positive fill of disturbance/pit in East Corner of room 29
  • ATR
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CH04SR_348 Positive upper layer of tile disturbance/collapse in room 29
  • SW
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CH04SR_349 Positive loose gray/green rubble with bone in room 28 over SR340
  • ATR
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CH04SR_351 Positive lower layer of tile collapse and ash in room 29
  • ATR
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CH04SR_352 Positive ashy charcoal-filled layer in room 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_354 Positive hard compacted earth/clay surface in room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_355 Positive Bottom layer of collapse with in situ vessels in room 29
  • SW
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CH04SR_358 Positive Collapse in room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_359 Positive Collapse in room 31
  • SW
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CH04SR_360 Positive fill of infant burial cut in room 28
  • ATR
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CH04SR_364 Positive Compacted earth floor in room 29
  • SW
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CH04SR_369 Positive layer of roof and tile collapse in room 30
  • ATR
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CH04SR_372 Positive Relatively loose brown soil forming matrix for large stones in room 36
  • SW
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CH04SR_373 Positive Yellow loose soft silty with large stones in room 36
  • SW
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CH04SR_374 Positive loose collapse in room 35
  • SW
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CH04SR_375 Positive collapse in room 33
  • MM
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CH04SR_376 Positive Fill of pit/disturbance in centre of room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_377 Positive Wall cavity fill in SW end of Room 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_378 Positive Layer of occupation under tile Room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_379 Negative Cut in SW Wall of Room 28 - hiding place?
  • ATR
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CH04SR_380 Positive layer of collapse in room 33 under 337
  • ATR
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CH04SR_381 Positive Fill of hole/Depression W corner Rm 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_386 Positive Bottom layer (Green Grey) of Collapse in Rm 31a (with charcoal inclusions)
  • SW
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CH04SR_388 Positive Fill of large hole/disturbance in the southeast end of room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_390 Positive collapse in room 31
  • ATR
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CH04SR_392 Positive Layer of collapse along SW wall and in S and W corners of room 33
  • MM
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CH04SR_393 Positive Layer of collapse in N corner of room 33.
  • MM
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CH04SR_400 Positive Grey ashy layer on surface room 36
  • SW
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CH04SR_401 Positive area of large stone collapse in the centre of room 33, from the wall 281.
  • MM
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CH04SR_403 Positive sediment or fill in cavity wall in S corner of room 30
  • ATR
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CH04SR_406 Positive Stone collapse in room 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_407 Positive Hard compact soil in NE of room 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_410 Positive Intact tile and vessel collapse in room 33
  • ATR
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CH04SR_411 Positive Layer of collapse in courtyard 1
  • SM
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CH04SR_412 Positive Layer above the floor in room 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_414 Positive Black ashy layer in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_419 Positive Upper layer of fill of well/cistern (?) in alley to room 30
  • ATR
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CH04SR_420 Positive Second layer of fill of well/cistern in alley to room 30
  • ATR
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CH04SR_423 Positive Collapse on street NE of buildings
  • SW
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CH04SR_424 Positive Area of more compact brown soil with large stones in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_425 Positive Layer of burning 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_426 Positive Layer of tile collapse in NW area of courtyard 1
  • SM
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CH04SR_427 Positive Second layer of fill in hole/pit in room 34 (Yard 2)
  • SW
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CH04SR_431 Positive Fill of pit in room 37
  • CS
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CH04SR_434 Positive Tile collapse in street NE of building
  • CS
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CH04SR_435 Positive Hard packed dark brown floor of room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_441 Positive Compact fill in west part of pit (SR431)
  • SM
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CH04SR_447 Positive Bottom of fill in pit in room 37 and between paving slabs
  • DVD
ATR view enter
CH04SR_448 Positive Very dark grayish brown "packing"
  • CS
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CH04SR_452 Positive Second layer of earth-beaten floor room 29
  • DVD
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CH04SR_454 Positive Bedding layer beneath the floors in room 29
  • DVD
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CH04SR_456 Positive Assemblage of pots in situ on floor of room 33
  • CS
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CH04SR_457 Positive Eroded bedrock in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_458 Positive Layer of brown gray soil, compact under context 448 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_460 Positive Grey/black ashy layer NW end room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_461 Positive Brown earth/packing NW end room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_462 Positive Posthole fill for landing room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_464 Positive Layer of very solid soil in center of room 29
  • DVD
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CH04SR_468 Positive Grayish clayey soil under SR 458 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_469 Positive Fill of pit in room 36
  • CS
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CH05SR_298 Wall Dry stone wall w/large blocks, damaged, between room 33 and plateia
  • ATR
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CH05SR_354 Positive Last-phase floor of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_434 Positive Tile collapse in street NE of buildings
  • ATR
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CH05SR_451 Positive Floor of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_460 Positive Gray/black ashy layer in NE and SW end of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_461 Positive Brown earth packing in SE end of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_505 Positive Hearth feature in room 28
  • NK
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CH05SR_506 Positive Gray modern fill in East stenopos
  • AS
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CH05SR_507 Positive Fill of the pit in courtyard ( NW side )
  • SM
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CH05SR_508 Positive Ash scatter in E corner of room 33 connected with hearth bottom
  • NK
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CH05SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_511 Positive Fill of the well in NW side of courtyard
  • DVD
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CH05SR_512 Positive Layer of collapse in room 38
  • GK
ATR view enter
CH05SR_514 Positive Fill of Tomb 3
  • GK
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CH05SR_520 Positive Fill of stones with grayish-brown wet soil in the well
  • DVD
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CH05SR_522 Positive Black ashy soil in south section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_524 Positive Black ashy soil in west section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_525 Positive Large area of black ashy soil in center of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_526 Positive Reddish soil SE of Context 525 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_527 Positive Black ashy soil in east section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_530 Positive Dark ashy soil in NE section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_535 Positive Collapse in Room 38
  • IG
ATR view enter
CH05SR_538 Positive Orangish-brown soil in Courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_539 Positive Fill of Tomb 4
  • GK
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CH05SR_540 Positive Ashy patch in S region of Room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_550 Positive Loose brown soil in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_552 Positive Fill of the Tomb 5
  • GK
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CH05SR_554 Positive Pit in 519 (W. Wall), fill of cut 556, room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_555 Positive Pit in 519 (E. Corner of Room 33), fill of pit 557, room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_558 Wall Construction of Tomb 5
  • GK
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CH05SR_562 Positive Orangish compact fill N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_563 Positive Dark brown fill North of context 525 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_564 Positive Loose brown fill in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_569 Positive Layer of tiles collapse in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_570 Positive Dark brown soil along north wall in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_571 Positive Fill below slabs in Tomb 4
  • GK
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CH05SR_575 Positive Layer of soft grayish soil in East and South part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_578 Positive Compact grayish brown clayey soil in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_591 Positive Layer of burning in SW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_592 Positive Ashy layer in NE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_593 Positive Tile fill in bottom layer of pit in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_596 Positive Layer of grayish brown soil in NW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_603 Positive Floor surface in Room 30
  • AS
ATR view enter
CH05SR_609 Positive Fill of cut in North corner (608)
  • IG
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CH05SR_610 Positive Compact soil surface in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_611 Positive Compact lime bedding surface in room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_612 Positive Fill of soil with inclusions under stone fill in center of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_616 Positive Compact soil with ceramic inclusions in the E wing of room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_619 Positive Floor level in NW part of room 37 behind the wall 607
  • DVD
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CH05SR_622 Positive Soil with inclusions of eroded bedrock in pit 601, NW side of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_629 Positive Fill of organic brown soil in SW part of pit 610, NW part of room 38
  • DVD
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CH05SR_636 Positive Hard pack floor in room 33, below 519
  • NK
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CH05SR_645 Positive Fill of compact brown soil with inclusion and burnt material in pit 601 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_647 Positive Brown soil mottled with ash in N corner of room 33 filling cut 653
  • NK
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CH05SR_648 Positive Compact orangish soil with inclusions in NE part of room 30, under area of hearth
  • AS
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CH05SR_649 Positive Compact light brown layer mixed with stones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_651 Positive Fill of loose brown soil (in cut 650), room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_654 Positive Possible wall structure in W corner of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_657 Positive Soil from doorway in room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_660 Positive Surface above slabs in room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_661 Wall Possible wall structure (by wall 281) in SW part of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_668 Positive Compact grayish brown layer of pit 601
  • IG
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CH05SR_672 Positive Lower floor surface, below 636
  • NK
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CH05SR_676 Positive Brown fill between NW wall 542 and context 682, courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_678 Positive Beaten-earth surface in NE part of room 30, under 603 in large bedrock cut
  • AS
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CH05SR_681 Positive Compact yellowish brown soil with inclusions in room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_689 Negative Cut for pit in N corner of room 37 behind the wall
  • DVD
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CH05SR_700 Positive Fill of cut 699 in center of larger cut in N corner of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_702 Positive Soft yellowish brown soil in courtyard by SE part of wall 692
  • DVD
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CH05SR_704 Positive Fill of cut in bedrock in West wing of room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_711 Positive Pile of stones in N corner of SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH06SR_132 Wall SE wall of Church
  • AS
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CH06SR_405 Positive Surface on bedrock in room 31a
  • DVD
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CH06SR_488 Positive Stenopos - 1st surface
  • AS
ATR view enter
CH06SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_606 Positive Compact clayish surface in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_712 Positive Layer of loose brown soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_717 Positive Layer of compact eroded bedrock in west wing of room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_749 Positive Light brown compact soil with inclusions in east wing of room 31
  • DVD
ATR view enter
CH06SR_752 Positive Fill in north courtyard close to corner made by walls 265 and 693
  • SM
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CH06SR_753 Positive Brown soil with inclusions in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_754 Positive Light gray ashy soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_755 Positive Loose ashy dark brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_757 Positive Loose brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_758 Positive Brown clayey layer between well and previously excavated trench, NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_759 Positive Yellow-Orangish brown layer across N courtyard, Area 2 and into Area 3
  • SM
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CH06SR_762 Positive Fill of wall trench (wall 265 and 50), NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_764 Positive Compact brown soil in east wing of room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_765 Positive Layer under 617, west wing of room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_766 Positive Stenopos, fill of the trench for wall 292
  • AS
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CH06SR_768 Positive Very compact soil in W corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_770 Positive Fill of pit in NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_772 Positive Compact yellowish brown soil in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_774 Positive Grayish brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_777 Positive Fill of pit (context number 776) in S corner of E wing of Room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_778 Positive Stenopos - fill of 779
  • AS
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CH06SR_780 Positive Fill of semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_782 Positive Soft brown loam in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_785 Positive Brown compact soil in center of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_786 Positive Fill with brown soil around drain box in Stenopos
  • AS
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CH06SR_790 Positive Brown soil in semicircular cuts 0729 and 0901 in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_792 Positive Fill/layer in natural pits in disintegrated bedrock in rm 31a.
  • DVD
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CH06SR_793 Positive Fill of pit in bedrock under wall 217 in room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_796 Positive Collapse of ceramic vessel(s) (pithos) in NE Stenopos
  • AS
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CH06SR_798 Positive Gray brown soil in center of a church
  • AS
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CH06SR_800 Positive Beaten brown earth (floor?) in E wing, room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_802 Positive Stenopos, brown compact soil with inclusions of ceramic, shells, and bone fragments (4th surface)
  • AS
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CH06SR_803 Positive Stenopos, light yellow compact mix of clay and lime
  • AS
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CH06SR_804 Positive Courtyard, loose brown fill for walls 50 and 265 trench
  • SM
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CH06SR_805 Positive Courtyard, small lens of plaster and charcoal adjacent to wall 265
  • SM
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CH06SR_807 Positive Eroded bedrock layer in room 31a
  • ATR
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CH06SR_809 Positive Light brown very compact soil mixed with mortar, west wing of room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_810 Positive Brown loose soil with high concentration of metallurgical byproduct in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_816 Positive Fill of pit in S courtyard corner of wall 296 and section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_819 Positive Thin brown layer above bedrock, SE part of 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_823 Positive Fill of pit 0822, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_827 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions in NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_828 Positive Layer of brown soil with inclusions, West wing, room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_831 Positive Layer of loose yellow metallurgical byproduct (?), Room 38, NE Section
  • LKC
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CH06SR_833 Negative Cut for a pit in S corner of E wing, Room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_835 Positive Layer of clay below wall 748, E corner, E wing, Room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_837 Positive Courtyard, trench with stones and clayey soil
  • SM
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CH06SR_839 Positive Gray ashy soil between bedrock and cut 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_840 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_843 Positive Stone and tile collapse (construction?) in north part of east wing, room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_847 Positive Compact brown soil in the far W side of cut 900, Room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_850 Positive Compact brown fill with rubble above eroded bedrock in Section 2 of Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_853 Positive Fine brown soil in courtyard between the well and foundation trench
  • SM
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CH06SR_855 Positive Compact grayish brown soil fill of 0856, courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_857 Positive Compact dark brown soil in north corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_863 Positive Loose brown soil in cut 0864, NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_868 Positive Compact brown fill layer of pit 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_872 Positive Surface below 0842
  • DVD
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CH06SR_876 Positive Fine ashy gray patch in NW area 3 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_877 Positive Ashy black soil in N Area 3 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_879 Positive Compact brown fill layer in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_884 Positive Fine ashy brown soil in central area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_886 Positive Dark brown soil parallel and adjacent to wall 296 area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_890 Positive Compact brown soil in cut 0901, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_895 Positive Layer of compact brown fill in cut 0901, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_898 Positive Stone collapse in Room 31 - Probe
  • DVD
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CH06SR_903 Positive Compact light brown in western part of central area, church
  • AS
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CH06SR_907 Positive Western part of central area, church, light brown compact surface
  • AS
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CH06SR_908 Positive Compact clay fill in extreme west area in cut 0900
  • LKC
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CH06SR_910 Positive Compact brown surface with lime and charcoal inclusions, NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_911 Positive Brown soil with human remains, under SE wall of church on Main street
  • AS
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CH06SR_912 Positive Fill of a large pit in central and west part of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_914 Positive Yellowish brown layer in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_920 Negative Cut in north corner of the church
  • AS
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CH06SR_921 Positive Compact brown surface above bedrock and vertical layer in center of cut 0900, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_927 Positive Fill of a pit between cistern and wall course 0922, Area 3, courtyard
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CH06SR_929 Positive Rocky layer with brown soil matrix, NW of cistern, Area 3 Courtyard
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CH06SR_930 Positive Fill of circular pit connected to cut 913 in central Area 3, Courtyard
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CH06SR_933 Positive Pebbley brown soil below c.n. 0929, area 3, courtyard
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Total Results:  290
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